Monday, February 07, 2005

AFA Follow Up

Okay, I have to do this because I said I would. It gives me no good pleasure, but for all of you loyal readers out there I have to stick to my guns. Two months ago I received an email asking me to vote for The Passion of the Christ for the CBS People's Choice Awards, namely for Picture of the Year. I emailed AFA and asked them why they thought it was important for the film to win and what if the film didn't win. What would that say. Anyway you can read that blog here.

Well, I actually have contacted AFA (American Family Association)three times and have gotten no response. I'm disappointed that I've been ignored and their credibility has lessened in my eyes. When I see "Contact Us!" I just expect to be responded to. Maybe the exclamation point is misleading. Anyway, I'm going to "contact them!" again with a link to this post. I told them I would write about it and post it, so I'll keep my word. Anyway, no big whoop.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Well done, Jason. You let me know if you want me to step in and open up a can...
