Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Gift of Thanks

I hope your Thanksgiving was very good. Barb's cousin, Molly, spent a semester abroad in New Zealand. Molly's parents, Jane and Jon, flew to NZ for vacation and flew back with her. They stopped over in San Francisco and had dinner with Barb and I. In the course of talking Jane said, "Barb, you dad's birthday is coming up. It's his 65th. What do you two think about being his presents? Jon and I would love to fly you both to St. Louis as a surprise."

Eventhough the question was directed to Barb I answered for us. So Wednesday we arrived in St. Louis. That night we planned to surprise Bill and Brenda, Barb's parents, as they had just driven in from Kansas City. Bill opened the door and had a stunned look on his face and then closed the door right in our face. It's was priceless. We were greeted with the best hugs and kisses.

The next day we drove to the in-laws of Barb's sister, Bev. We stood outside as Bill and Brenda went inside and told them that they needed help getting some things out of the car. We surprised them and got hugs all around. It is a moment I will not forget.

Jane and Jon are such great people and their children, our cousins, Molly and Matthew, are becoming good friends of ours. I can't say how much I really enjoyed being here.

However, Barb and I did end up with the bug, so last night was a very long night. I've been meaning to lose those ten pounds, but I had other things in mind. We fly out tomorrow afternoon and begin the grind.

Hope all is well.